Videos and images

We have loaded short videos of speeches made by opponents of the road at the recent planning committee meeting to our YouTube channel – check them out here.

As opposition to the road mounts we’re seeing lots of new videos posted. This one from Shropshire Wildlife Trust or you could listen to the passion in this video for the trees that would be destroyed by the NW road

The team has been out on the streets of quiet Shropshire town’s telling people about the imminent environmental and financial disaster that is the North West road

This clip is from the feature about the NW road on BBC Midlands Today on 28 April 2021

This video is to remind all our new councillors what the biggest challenge they need to face will be over the next four years.

In the links below we feature local people at locations you might recognise in our videos! Take a look Please Like and Share each one to build their profile on YouTube. We could add more. Why not Subscribe to our channel?

Video 1 – Prof. John Whitelegg’s thoughts on the NW Road

Video 2 – thoughts on traffic

Video 3 – thoughts on impacts on wildlife

Video 4 – impacts on footpaths and access to the countryside

Video 5 – lessons from the coronavirus

Video 5 – Tranquility or road noise?

Video 6 – Shelton Bank with and without a 60mph road

Also this slightly longer video from Shropshire Wildlife Trust giving a more in depth view as to why the road is a bad idea and a more recent one from SWT about the impact of the road on wildlife.


Rob McBride (Tree Hunter) has surveyed some of the ancient trees that would be lost to the road. Photo albums here

Shropshire Council’s modelled change in traffic flows if NWR is built
Summary of where the money for the NWR would come from